Kelowna Milk Depot
Support our province's most vulnerable babies
Help us collect breastmilk for the BC Provincial Milk Bank. Donor milk is especially important for sick, tiny & premature babies. Go to the BC Women's website for more information. Scroll down to learn more about the importance of donor milk.
May 13, 2019
Milk bank for B.C.'s most vulnerable babies needs help
A critical resource that provides some of the most vulnerable babies in the province with donated breast milk is dealing with rising demand and a facility that isn't well-suited to meet those increasing needs. "There are 13 NICUs and we currently regularly supply 11 of those NICUs [edit note: the 2 NICU's not regularly supplied are in Interior Health in Kamloops and Kelowna) We're hoping by the end of 2019 we will have all 13 sort of online," Jones said. [edit note: OK Breastfeeding also hopes that IH will be announcing soon the establishment of 1-2 Milk Depots in our health authority].
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Milk Donation in the News
Why Donate your Milk?
December 14, 2016
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How to Become a Donor
December 8, 2016
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Breast milk needed to fill shelves at B.C. Women's Provincial Milk Bank
January 15, 2017
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The story of one BC mother and why milk donation is important to her
August 2, 2016
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BC Women's Needs More Milk!
June 9, 2019
A critical resource that provides some of the most vulnerable babies in the province with donated breast milk is dealing with rising demand and a facility that isn't well-suited to meet those increasing needs. "There are 13 NICUs and we currently regularly supply 11 of those NICUs [edit note: the 2 NICU's not regularly supplied are in Interior Health in Kamloops and Kelowna) We're hoping by the end of 2019 we will have all 13 sort of online," Jones said. [edit note: OK Breastfeeding also hopes that IH will be announcing soon the establishment of 1-2 Milk Depots in our health authority].
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IH identified as only health authority in BC not to have a milk depot.
More than 66 litres of breast milk was collected Wednesday in an Okanagan valley-wide breast milk drive.
The drive is organized by the not-for-profit group OK Breastfeeding.
IHA confirmed it is the only health authority in the province that does not have a permanent milk drop-off depot.
In an email statement to Global News, the health authority said it is currently reviewing the implementation, sustainability and costs associated with setting up such a depot.